Fascination About Scientology

Fascination About Scientology

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Scientology - An Overview

Perhaps, this time, due to our initiatives, an altruistic globe can exist. Scientology desires you-- your mind, your spirit, your soul. Matthew 6:24 Jesus Christ or L.

Ron Hubbard Before the prior to was a Cause and reason entire purpose whole function Cause was the creation of effect - Scientology.

And the purpose of a measurement factor is room and a point of view. The action of a dimension point is getting to and withdrawing. And from the perspective to the measurement points there are link and interchange. Therefore brand-new dimension points are made. Thus there is communication. And therefore there is light.

All about Scientology

Humbly tendered as a present to man by L. Ron Hubbard April 23, 1953 We of the Church believe: That all guys of whatever race, shade or creed were developed with equivalent legal rights. That all men have basic rights to their very own spiritual practices and their efficiency.

That all males have basic civil liberties to their very own peace of mind. That all guys have inalienable legal rights to their very own protection. That all males have inalienable rights to conceive, select, help and support their own organizations, churches and federal governments. That all men have inalienable legal rights to assume easily, to talk freely, to write easily their very own viewpoints and to counter or utter or compose upon the viewpoints of others.

That the souls of men have the rights of men. That the study of the mind and the recovery of psychologically triggered sickness ought to not be estranged from religious beliefs or pardoned in nonreligious areas. Which no firm much less than God has the power to suspend or reserve these legal rights, overtly or secretly.

Excitement About Scientology

That he is seeking to survive. (from Those Curious New Cults, by William J. Petersen )How, after that, can Scientology be assessed by biblical Christianity? Its primary presumption that man is primarily good is not scriptural.

Second, Scientology's greatest authority is not Jesus Christ or the Christian Bible yet a sci-fi writer called L. Ron Hubbard. In some methods, the Scientology company is disturbingly similar to Orwell's 1984 with Ron Hubbard as "Big Brother." Third, to Scientology God is pointless. Scientology alone matters. Whether God exists or otherwise is not a matter of problem.

Nothing is stated regarding the predicament of the poor, the unwell, the homeless and oppressed. Contrast that to biblical Christianity which supplies redemption without money and without rate.

Guy's reason will generate best actions and as a result fix all the problems of the human predicament. (from The Difficulty of the Cults, by Maurice Burrell) Scientology: Although the Scriptures is used to bolster up the sect's ideas, the resource of Scientology's viewpoint and modern technology is Hubbard himself. Christianity: As words of God, the Holy bible is the benchmark versus which all cases (including those of Hubbard) need to be measured.

The Single Strategy To Use For Scientology

Christianity: God is Trinity, Father, Boy and Holy Spirit, three Persons within the unity of the Godhead. Scientology: Christ has no important or main location in the sect's trainings. Christianity: "God sent his Boy to be the Rescuer of the globe." Scientology: Guy is essentially good, yet "engrams" (psychological problems) stop him from reaching his complete possibility.

Christianity: Man needs to be conserved from transgression and to be given brand-new life. Both are offered from God via belief in Christ. Atack, Jon. 1990. An Item of Blue Skies. Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing Team. Burrell, Maurice. 1982. The Difficulty of the Cults. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Publication Residence.

L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman. Bare Faced Messiah: The True Tale of L. Ron Hubbard. Those Interested New Cults in the 80's.

Scientology Things To Know Before You Buy

This arised as the sticking question during my see to a Scientology church in Clearwater, Florida. When Karen, a Scientologist for more than 40 years, called the radio show to challenge my use of the word cult in recommendation to Scientology, I invited her to satisfy me and take me on a scenic tour of her church.

She had actually been increased in it. But she asserts Scientology offered her something the Christian church never did: a details set of steps to comply with, concepts and mandates, that actually make her life much better. This is precisely the reason priests in this CNN article offered for making use of Scientology's approaches and items.

And therein lies the challenge The Church of Scientology presents to the Church of Jesus Christ in the world today. Individuals have actually felt requirements and they do not try this site perceive those needs to be fulfilled at/through/by church. While we know there will certainly always be incorrect teachers seeking to split and deceive, it is a severe stricture of the organized church in America when individuals exist with some kind of the scripture that requires a supplement.

The 9-Minute Rule for Scientology

The creator of Scientology, L. Scientology.Ron Hubbard, created the organization and composed the creed in action to the ethical decrease in society. He desired to instruct Look At This people just how to be far better and made use of precepts common to all religions in the production of his own. And of course, he obtained extremely, very rich along the road

What he crafted was a synthetic replacement for the transforming and sanctifying job of the Holy Spirit, as if male might save and restore himself. Scientology suggests an approach that assures joy and has no area for the idea of redemptive poise. Liberty in Christ is the totally free gift of God to those that think.

Jesus offered up the magnificence of Paradise and condescended to our physical fact in order to pass away as an atoning sacrifice for transgression and reconcile us to God. Which work is completed. Yes, we spend our whole lives being brought into ever before better consistency with who Christ is, however the work of i loved this redemption is currently done.

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